
10.12.2024 - Alliance: New EU General Product Saftey Regulation (GPSR) will come into force on 13 December 2024

On 13 December 2024, the new Regulation (EU) 2023/988 of the European Parliament and of the Council on General Product Safety (“GPSR”) will come into force. This regulation replaces the more than 20-year-old General Product Safety Directive (GPSD) and brings with it numerous innovations. The GPSR applies directly in all Member States of the European Union.

27.11.2024 - Alliance: Post-contractual non-competition clauses: what employers need to know

An employer who is concerned that an employee will compete with them after leaving the company will consider agreeing to a post-contractual non-competition clause.

For example, such a clause aims to prevent the employee from working as an employee for a competitor after the end of the employment relationship or from setting up a rival business of their own.

The requirements that the legal systems of the individual states place on the agreement, the form, and the cancellation of post-contractual non-competition clauses with employees vary greatly.

22.10.2024 - Alliance: Equal treament of men and women in an employment relationship - a current topic again

In May 2023, Directive (EU) 2023/970 of the European Parliament and of the Council on strengthening the application of the principle of equal pay for men and women for equal work or work of equal value through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms was adopted, and Member States are required to implement this di-rective into national law by 07/06/2026.

20.09.2024 - Alliance: Tightening of Chinese corporate criminal law – What risks arise for foreign companies and their managing directors in China?

On 29 December 2023, the National People's Congress (the legislature of the People's Republic of China) made significant amendments to the criminal law.

This change in the law, which has meanwhile come into force, is in line with the central government's promise to sharpen the focus on lawful conduct by private companies in China and to fight corruption with all severity.

09.07.2024 - Alliance: ESG regulation: What companies need to prepare for now

In recent months, the EU Parliament has passed a large number of ESG-related (ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance) legislative proposals. Given the speed and variety of new laws, it is important for entrepreneurs and organisations to stay informed about the latest developments in ESG legislation. Below we provide an overview of the current ESG regulatory requirements in the package of measures relating to the Green Deal and explain what companies should consider in the near future.

17.06.2024 - Alliance: The Chinese data protection labyrinth: guidelines for legal data export

Since the beginning of 2022, a large number of data protection laws have been enacted in China. Since there was initially a lack of necessary concreteness and harmonisation of these laws, their specific scope and significance was difficult to estimate for foreign enterprises in China. In 2023 and 2024, there has been a large number of legal amendments and significant concretisation in data protection law.

24.05.2024 - Law on protection of whistleblowers

The issue of whistleblowers is back! More specifically, the Whistleblower Protection Act, which has already gone to the President and the Speaker of the Senate.

25.03.2024 - Cybercrime: Risks in international payment transactions

Today, more and more business activities and professional activities are shifting to the digital world. The coronavirus pandemic has contributed significantly to this trend, as it has forced us to adapt to new realities. This situation, as well as the efficiency and convenience of remote work, has created a new working reality, which in turn brings new risks of which many of us were previously unaware. We are talking about cybercrime, which companies in particular can suffer.

06.02.2024 - Success for minority shareholders represented by SDZLEGAL Schindhelm in the case concerning the delisting resolution

As part of our corporate dispute resolution practice, we represented minority shareholders in a dispute over a resolution resulting in a mining company leaving the Stock Exchange.

06.02.2024 - The law firm SDZLEGAL Schindhelm acted as lead advisor, working with Saleor Commerce in the international reorganisation of its business.

Thanks to our support, new prospects for operations in the US market have opened up for the Company, including a source of funding from local investors and investment funds.

05.02.2024 - Precedent success of the Public Procurement Law Team at the National Appeal Chamber

The Public Procurement Law team consisting of: Aleksandra Płudowska and Tomasz Dąbrowski of the Public Procurement and Waste Management Law Department, headed by Partner of SDZLEGAL Schindhelm Anna Specht-Schampera obtained for the client a favourable judgment in the National Appeal Chamber in the case of contractual penalties for failure to achieve the so-called municipal waste recycling levels.

27.11.2023 - SDZLEGAL Schindhelm has advised IGEFA SE & Co. KG on the acquisition of the Group

SDZLEGAL Schindhelm has advised IGEFA SE & Co. KG on the acquisition of the Group, consisting of: BAGSTAR.PL spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością [limited liability company under Polish law] and BAGSTAR.PL spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa [limited partnership limited liability company under Polish law].

17.11.2023 - New cooperation partner in Ukraine

We are pleased to announce that SCWP Schindhelm Services SE, alliance of European business law firms, is cooperating with the Ukrainian law firm ZILVER in Kiev. Together with the team of ZILVER we now advise our clients in all areas of Ukrainian business law as well as in litigation according to the full-service concept


The Act of 26 May 2023 amending the Act on Municipal Self-Government, the Act on Social Forms of Housing Development, the Act on Real Estate Management, the Act on Tax on Civil Law Deeds and certain other acts (Journal of Laws 2023, item 1463) [Dz. U. 2023 poz. 1463], which entered into force on 31 August 2023, introduced an episodic regulation whereby perpetual users of certain developed properties can demand the sale of such land for their benefit.

02.10.2023 - M&A department recognised in the prestigious IFLR1000 ranking for the second consecutive year!

The IFLR1000 has been providing information on law firms and lawyers specialising in financial transactions and corporate law for more than 20 years. Nearly 5,000 law firms and more than 21,000 lawyers are considered in the rankings. Rankings are produced for more than 250 jurisdictions worldwide.

21.09.2023 - Legally compliant whistleblowing in your company - country update

Most countries of the European Union have already transposed Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law within their legal systems. There are some legal differences in how the Whistleblower Directive has been transposed into the various laws.

24.07.2023 - Another success of Anna Specht-Schampera!

Business Today has published a list of the 'Top 10 Most Influential Public Procurement Lawyers in Poland 2023'. Among the laureates was  Anna Specht-Schampera, particularly recognised for her work in public procurement disputes in the waste management sector.

14.06.2023 - Alliance: The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

The directive on sustainability reporting (EU) 2022/2464, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, abbreviated “CSRD”) leads to an expansion of the reporting obligation for thousands of companies throughout Europe, starting from financial year 2024, for reports published in 2025. The CSRD amends the existing directive on non-financial reporting and establishes both more detailed reporting obligations, on the one hand, and a larger circle of companies required to issue such reports on the other.

06.06.2023 - WEBINAR - Changes to the Polish Labour Code in 2023. - update for foreign managers

Law firm SDZLEGAL Schindhelm and the British Polish Chamber of Commerce (BPCC)

would like to invite you to a webinar on Tuesday 6 June 2023 from 11:00 to 12:30 to a webinar

concerning: Changes to the Polish Labour Code in 2023. - update for foreign managers.

19.05.2023 - Alliance: New regulatory hurdles in M&A transactions

In the case of M&A transactions, all participants strive for a quick closing and thus legal certainty in the future. Previously, an M&A transaction was checked ex ante by the responsible competition authorities if certain turnover thresholds were exceeded to determine whether the project would create or strengthen a dominant position. However, this legal certainty is now lost due to the most recent practice and case law of the European Court of Justice (hereinafter referred to as “ECJ”), since, even if the turnover thresholds are not met, there is the possibility of an ex post content review and, if necessary, a reversal obligation.

16.05.2023 - SDZLEGAL Schindhelm Partner of the Anne-Sophie Mutter concert at the National Forum of Music

On 16.05.2023 at 7 p.m., the world-famous violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter will once again perform in front of a Polish audience at the National Music Forum! During the concert, the artist will present romantic musical literature by Johannes Brahms and Clara Schumann. We are proud that the law firm SDZLEGAL Schindhelm is one of the Partners of this event.

14.04.2023 - For another year in a row, the Public Procurement Law department honoured in the prestigious Ranking of The Legal 500 (Legalease)!

For another year in a row, the Public Procurement Law department honoured in the prestigious Ranking of The Legal 500 (Legalease)!

The team is headed by Anna Specht-Schampera and also includes Aleksandra Płudowska, listed in the ranking.

03.04.2023 - Italy: Holiday Properties - Taxes & Inheritance: Italy

The decision to purchase a holiday home is often made on a wave of emotion, with the exuberance of great memories of a beautiful summer holiday. But however enthusiastic you are about the beauty of your home and its area, it is important to also keep an eye on the costs in order to avoid unpleasant surprises later on leading to “buyer’s remorse”. These start with the ancillary costs of the actual purchase and can continue until the inheritance tax in the case of an inheritance.

In the following article, we review the costs you need to take into account for Italy as they occur on the purchase of the property, during its ongoing use, on its sale or transfer as a gift, or even in the event of inheritance.

03.04.2023 - Turkey: Holiday Properties - Taxes & Inheritance: Turkey

The decision to purchase a holiday home is often made on a wave of emotion, with the exuberance of great memories of a beautiful summer holiday. But however enthusiastic you are about the beauty of your home and its area, it is important to also keep an eye on the costs in order to avoid unpleasant surprises later on leading to “buyer’s remorse”. These start with the ancillary costs of the actual purchase and can continue until the inheritance tax in the case of an inheritance.

In the following article, we review the costs you need to take into account for Turkey as they occur on the purchase of the property, during its ongoing use, on its sale or transfer as a gift, or even in the event of inheritance.

13.03.2023 - Alliance: Legally compliant whistleblowing in your company - country update

“Whistleblowing” describes the uncovering of abuses, such as corruption, money laundering, and environmental hazards, by whistleblowers who have acquired insider knowledge due to their professional activity. Whistleblowers must usually accept serious personal or professional disadvantages as a result of their reports.

To protect whistleblowers, the EU already issued the Whistleblowing Directive in 2019. This directive stipulates that enterprises have the obligation to establish channels and procedures to enable reports of abuses and breaches of the law.

13.02.2023 - Foreign Subsidies Regulation: How will new regulation impact and reshape the M&A and public tender offers market?

On 12 January 2023 the Regulation (EU) 2022/2560 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 on foreign subsidies distorting the internal market (hereinafter: the “FSR Regulation”) has entered into force.

The FSR Regulation, which will apply from 12 July 2023, equips the European Commission (hereinafter: the “Commission”) with new tools preventing distortion in competition of the internal (EU) market resulting from “foreign subsidies” meaning subsidies granted by the non-EU states to the entities operating on the internal market.

31.01.2023 - Alliance: The end of trust-based working hours? Practical effects of the decision of the BAG dated 13/09/2022

With a judgment from 2019, the ECJ had clearly set the direction: From the Working Hours Directive in conjunction with Art. 31 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFR), there is the obligation of the Member States to ensure that employers introduce an “objective, reliable and accessible system that can be used to measure the daily working hours worked by employees”; this follows from the right of employees to effective health protection and compliance with the legally prescribed (weekly and daily) maximum working hours. However, the ECJ had not set a specific deadline for the Member States.

Over three full years, the requirements of the ECJ then remained without any significant practical consequences, with a few exceptions that we will present below on a country-specific basis. And it was probably generally assumed that legislative intervention would be required for the practical implementation of the judgment. However, the German Federal Labour Court has now taken the ball directly and formulated directly from existing law specific obligations incumbent on the employer even without legislative measures.

21.12.2022 - We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Dear Sir or Madam,

on the occasion of the upcoming Christmas, we wish you peace and quiet, regeneration and many magical moments spent with your loved ones
and for the whole coming year - optimism, energy for action, joy, satisfaction, fulfilment, and above all good health,


17.11.2022 - Alliance: Is your company a "Gatekeeper"? Digital Markets Act News

The applicable e-commerce policy is over 20 years old. That is why the European Union launched a regulatory package for online platforms a few years ago.

02.11.2022 - Legally compliant whistleblowing in your company - country update in Poland

Poland is still working on a draft of the Whistleblower Protection Act with which the Whistleblowing Directive is intended to be transposed. The draft law is intended to provide legal protection to any person who decides to report breaches, transgressions, or criminal offences in the workplace. A whistleblower can thus be a person who is affiliated with an institution or organisation that commits breaches by virtue not only of an employment contract but by any legal or actual relationship (e.g. as a subcontractor). In addition, the report itself can be made not only during the term of the employment relationship concerned but also before this relationship begins or after it has ended, e.g. due to termination of the employment relationship.

24.10.2022 - Another success for the Public Procurement and Waste Management Law Department of the law firm SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM

In May 2022, recognizing the arguments of the team of the Public Procurement Law and Waste Management Department of the law firm SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM, consisting of:

  • Anna Specht-Schampera
  • Aleksandra Płudowska
  • Tomasz Dąbrowski,

The National Board of Appeals has ruled that Warsaw improperly conducted a negotiated procedure for waste collection.

On Friday, October 21, 2022. The Court of Public Procurement dismissed a complaint by the City of Warsaw and the MPO and confirmed that Warsaw could not directly contract out waste collection to its own company, bypassing the bidding procedures, thus finding the application appropriate.

We congratulate the team of the Public Procurement and Waste Management Law Department of the law firm SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM!


22.09.2022 - Alliance: A bird's eye view of the law: The commercial use of unmanned aircraft

The development and commercialisation of drones is making relentless progress. Due to the wide range of applications and the rapid technical advances, unmanned aircraft – or “UAS” (=Unmanned Aircraft System) for short – are predicted to be a promising future.

01.09.2022 - The end of trust-based working hours in Poland?

In Poland, there is an obligation to record working hours for each employee. Records of working hours affect the payment of remuneration and the determination of rest periods. The most important element to include in each time recording is the number of hours worked by an employee. However, this means that all work hours performed by the employee must be recorded, including work on Sundays and public holidays, night work, overtime and days off resulting from a five-day week.

25.08.2022 - Kancelaria Schampera, Dubis, Zając i Wspólnicy sp.j. with a place in the prestigious IFLR1000 ranking

We are delighted to announce that the M&A Department of SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM has been recognised in the IFLR1000!

IFLR1000 has been providing information on law firms and lawyers specialising in financial transactions and corporate law for over 20 years.

It currently publishes rankings for more than 120 jurisdictions worldwide.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our clients for their trust and votes and congratulate the entire Corporate/M&A Law Team immensely on this success.


05.07.2022 - Alliance: What to do if the company is hacked? Actions from a legal perspective.

In case of a hacking attack, unauthorised attackers attempt to access external PCs, notebooks, smartphones, tablets or even entire corporate networks. Since the frequency of such attacks has increased massively in Europe over the past year, in this article we look at the successful hacker attack from the outside, which encrypts the affected systems in such a way that the company can no longer access its system at all.

19.06.2022 - Alliance: New opportunities and threats in sales: revised Vertical Block Exemption Regulation 2022 in force.

The European Commission’s Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (“VBER”), which was previously potentially applicable to distribution, whereby agreements between manufacturers or suppliers and retailers are exempt from the ban on cartels, ceased to be in force on 31/05/2022, because the original period of validity of 12 years was reached.
These new versions bring some changes which relax requirements compared to the previous legal situation, but also tighten requirements, which primarily take into account the area of tension between online/offline sales.

23.05.2022 - Alliance: Digital Revolution & Legal Evolution – copyright and related IP rights in the digital domestic market

Cryptocurrency, big data, artificial intelligence, data theft, cloud, virtual, augmented, or mixed reality, cyber warfare, telemedicine, social media, autonomous driving, Industry 4.0, Criminal Law 4.0, NFTs – these are not the only issues that are bringing about the era of the fourth so-called digital revolution. Each of these digital changes is bringing new challenges to all facets of society – the link between law and technology is one of the biggest. An example that illustrates the special relationship between legal and digital technologies very well are NFTs (non-fungible tokens).

14.04.2022 - Alliance: The current turning point – Force Majeure and loss of the basis for business

The "current turning point" in connection with the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine has not only a political but also perhaps an even greater economic dimension. The sharp rise in the price of raw materials and energy has led to a dramatic increase in costs for companies. The interruption of supply chains often causes production downtimes in industry. Despite all the harmonisation of laws that has taken place in the last 20 to 30 years, especially in the European legal sphere, this issue has remained untouched by efforts at legal standardisation. The reason for this was apparently a lack of topicality. Therefore, with this article, we provide an overview of how this topic is handled legally with regard to three key questions in the respective countries of our partner law firms.

12.04.2022 - Public Procurement Practice listed in prestigious LEGAL500 ranking!

LEGAL500 has published its report on the best law firms – in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) – by category.
SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM Public Procurement (TIER3) practice was among those honoured – exactly the year we celebrate our 20th anniversary.


Dear Sirs,

exactly two decades ago we started our business. During these twenty years we have achieved a lot of success. Initially operating in the local market, we gained a strong position in the national industry. Then, by joining international networks, we joined forces with foreign law offices and entered the global market.

We have never let go. We approach our work with maximum energy and commitment, always putting the client's best interests first. We are aware that it is the client who is most important to us - that we work for people and thanks to them our work makes sense.

18.03.2022 - Anna Specht-Schampera recognized in #ChambersEurope2022 ranking

Anna Specht-Schampera recognized for the seventh time in a row in #ChambersEurope2022 ranking of lawyers specializing in public procurement law!

Anna Specht-Schampera is an attorney at law and partner heading the Department of Public Procurement and Waste Management at SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM.

"Anna Specht-Schampera focuses on public procurement disputes, representing clients before the National Appeals Chamber. Sources highlight her expertise in the waste management sector." - Chambers and Partners.

14.03.2022 - Citizen of Ukraine on the territory of Poland - Starting up and running a business (legal and tax aspects)

Dear Sirs,

Due to the events that will take place on the territory of Ukraine starting from 24 February 2022 we receive more and more questions related to the possibility of conducting business activity by citizens of Ukraine on the territory of Poland. To meet the expectations, we decided to collect the most frequently asked questions and present them to you in the form of questions and answers (Q&A).

Your Team of SDZLEGAL Schindhelm

01.03.2022 - The commercial use of unmanned aircraft in Poland

The provision of commercial services using unmanned aircraft initially requires that the corresponding approvals are obtained. Pursuant to the provisions of the Aviation Law of 03.07.2002, the certificate of competence is a document certifying the possession of certain qualifications and authorising the exercise of certain aviation activities.

09.02.2022 - Alliance: The Digital Service Act and the upcoming reform of the digital services

Already in 2020, the European Commission presented the draft for a new EU regulation on a single market for digital services, through which the latest developments in the field of digital services are to be incorporated and regulated at EU level. The proposal aims at better protection of consumer rights in the digital environment and at the joint internal market-related enforcement potential of the EU Member States.

03.01.2022 - Digital Revolution & Legal Evolution in Poland

Regulations concerning computer piracy (CP) are included in criminal law, among other things. According to Art. 278 § 2 of the Act of 6 June 1997 (StGB (Strafgesetzbuch [German Criminal Code])), anyone who appropriates someone else’s computer program in order to gain a financial advantage is also punished with a term of imprisonment intended for theft. At the civil law level, regulations for combating CP are described in the law of 4 Feb. 1994 on copyright and related property rights.

01.01.2022 - Force Majeure and loss of the basis for business in Poland

There are no legal provisions that allow the automatic cancellation of the performance of the contract in the event of circumstances that one party could not foresee. “Force majeure” is not precisely defined in Polish law; the case law only provides for conditions under which a best situation qualifies as force majeure. Contractual provisions are of central importance in difficulties with the performance of the contract. It is possible to obtain in court not only the dissolution of the concluded contract, but also the modification of its terms, such as the manner of performance of obligations or the extent of the scope of performance.


As of 1 April 2021 Kancelaria Prawna Schampera, Dubis, Zając i Wspólnicy was transformed into a general partnership (pl. spółka jawna).

Therefore, as of 1 April 2021, the partnership operates under the name Kancelaria Prawna Schampera, Dubis, Zając i Wspólnicy sp. j.


We would like to inform you that on Tuesday, 30 March 2021, the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance, Funds and Regional Policy dated 26 March 2021 came into force, according to which the deadlines for preparing financial statements for private sector entities and non-profit organisations were extended by 3 months, while for public finance sector entities - by 1 month. This decision is the Ministry’s response to demands for extending the deadlines for preparing financial statements.

24.03.2021 - Anna Specht-Schampera recognized in #ChambersEurope2021 ranking

Anna Specht-Schampera recognized for the sixth time in a row in #ChambersEurope2021 ranking of lawyers specializing in public procurement law!

Anna Specht-Schampera is an attorney at law and partner heading the Department of Public Procurement and Waste Management at SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM.

16.03.2021 - Success of SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM

We would like to congratulate BUDIMEX S.A. on its victory in the appeal proceedings before the National Chamber of Appeals, where our Client was represented by the attorney Anna Specht - Schampera who heads the Public Procurement Department at SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM. Winning in the National Appeal Chamber (ref. KIO 352/21) opens the way for the Client to implement the order "Design and construction of the S19 road on the section Haćki - Bielsk Podlaski Zachód junction", worth almost 326 million PLN.

17.02.2021 - Taxation of tenancy income for individual investors

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed many sectors of economy. It is no different for the domestic real estate market. In 2020, two basic trends could be observed in this respect :

1. purchase of real estate to diversify the investment portfolios – especially estates located in cities with high growth potential, intended for sale or rent.

2. increased interest in real estate in the most popular tourist destinations in Poland, intended for short-term rental, possibly cased by the travel restrictions.

16.12.2020 - Aleksandra Krawczyk is the winner of the first place in the Rising Stars Lawyers - leaders of tomorrow 2020 competition organised by Wolters Kluwer Polska!

Aleksandra Krawczyk is an advocate and insolvency administrator with broad professional experience gained also during foreign internships. She has been cooperating with SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM for 7 years, dealing with bankruptcy and restructuring law, conducting court disputes and issues related to business succession. At the Ruprecht Karl University in Heidelberg, she graduated from the program Legum Magistrate in Unternehmensrestrukturierung (LL.M. corp. restruc.). Since 2020, she has been a partner in SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM and head of the Restructuring Team.


15.12.2020 - Christmas 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen! Dear Customers!

We will be celebrating Christmas soon.

Although the year 2020 is dominated by the coronavirus pandemic and due to that not all of us will be able to gather together during Christmas.

We believe that this magical time can still abound in many beautiful and warm moments.

10.12.2020 - SDZLEGAL Schindhelm advised Max Bögl International SE and Vortex Energy Poland on the sale of 25.3 MW 9 turbines operating onshore wind farm in Jozwin

SDZLEGAL Schindhelm advised Max Bögl International SE and Vortex Energy Poland on the sale of  25.3 MW 9 turbines operating onshore wind farm in Jozwin, Poland to Macquarie’s Green Investment Group (GIG). Jozwin wind farm has been operating already nearly 5 years.

Legal assistance was provided by Agnieszka Łuszpak-Zając, partner responsible for real estate, construction and energy sector, together with Tomasz Szarek, partner, head of M&A team and Aleksandra Krawczyk, partner and team leader of restructuring team, who was responsible for banking and financing part of the transaction and supervising transactional work. Other SDZLEGAL lawyers involved in transaction are Marta Ignasiak, tax advisor who provided tax advise and Bartosz Frydel, associate, assisting in real estate issues.


The Schindhelm Alliance opens a new office. It is located at Zygmunta Starego 11A in Gliwice. Responsible for the development of the new office is Marcin Śledzikowski, who was promoted to partner at SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM. The new office in Gliwice is a confirmation of the current development direction of the Law Firm in the region of Upper Silesia and Opole.

15.10.2020 - Webinar: "Brexit – doubts and challenges "

We kindly invite you to the webinar: "Brexit – doubts and challenges " on 15.10.2020, 9:30-12:30 on Teams, co – organized by SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM, British Polish Chamber of  Commerce and IAG Global.

During the meeting we will present solutions to the most important problems that entrepreneurs will challenge in connection with Brexit. They will be presented by the Polish lawyers from SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM and British lawyers from Birketts LLP and Aaron & Partners LLP, Solicitors.

21.09.2020 - 18. birthday of SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM!

Yesterday, 20 September, 18 years have passed since our Law Firm was registered in the National Court Register. Thank you very much to all Clients and Associates who have accompanied us during this time! It was a period of great development, undertaking new challenges and meeting the growing demands of the market. We hope for further successes.

Thank you for being with us!


11.09.2020 - German-Polish exhibition „What’s left undone today, tomorrow will not do”, sponsored by SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM

We are pleased to invite you to the German-Polish exhibition „What’s left undone today, tomorrow will not do”, sponsored by SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM.

The exhibition will be presented Michał Jankowski’s series of portraits The Blind (2020), Aleksandra Kubiak’s latest project, which consists of an art object and a co-existing performative film, and Alexander Camaro’s selected painting and graphic works.

06.07.2020 - SDZLEGAL Schindhem is an official partner of the 25th anniversary of the Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce

The German-Polish Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Polska) celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2020.

05.07.2020 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM is for the fith time a sponsor supporter to Krzyżowa-Music International Chamber Music Festival 2020

We are happy to announce that SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM is for the fith time a sponsor supporter to Krzyżowa-Music International Chamber Music Festival 2020. The Festival is under the artistic direction of Viviane Hagner and it will take place on 18-30 of August in Krzyżowa, Świdnica, Szczawno-Zdrój and Grodziszcz.

29.06.2020 - COVID-19 and the anti-crisis shield 4.0. - SUMMARY OF THE FINAL VERSION

We regularly inform you about successive governmental bills referred to as “anti-crisis shields”. On 31st March this year the anti-crisis shield 1.0. was adopted and entered into force on the very same day.
On 18th April the anti-crisis shield 2.0. entered into force. On 28-29 April 2020, further draft laws were published, including a draft law on interest subsidies on bank loans granted to provide liquidity to entrepreneurs affected by COVID-19 (draft law on subsidies). The act, called the anti-crisis shield 3.0., finally entered into force on 16th May 2020.

09.06.2020 - COVID-19 and the anti-crisis shield 4.0. – what do we know so far?

We regularly inform you about successive governmental bills referred to as “anti-crisis shields”. On 31st March this year the anti-crisis shield 1.0. was adopted and entered into force on the very same day. On 18th April the anti-crisis shield 2.0. entered into force. On 28-29 April 2020, draft further laws were already published, including a draft law on interest subsidies on bank loans granted to provide liquidity to entrepreneurs affected by COVID-19 (draft law on subsidies), as well as the draft law amending certain laws regarding protective measures with relation to the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The first act, called the anti-crisis shield 3.0., finally entered into force on 16th May 2020. The government's work on the draft law on subsidies was also completed and the draft law was adopted by the Sejm on 5th June 2020 and submitted to the Senate.

20.05.2020 - COVID-19 and the anti-crisis shield 3.0.

We regularly inform you about successive governmental bills referred to as “anti-crisis shields”. On 31st March this year the anti-crisis shield 1.0. was adopted and entered into force on the very same day.

On 18th April the anti-crisis shield 2.0. entered into force.

06.05.2020 - COVID-19 and the anti-crisis shield 3.0. – what do we know so far?

We regularly inform you about successive governmental bills referred to as “anti-crisis shields”. On 31st March this year the anti-crisis shield 1.0. was adopted and entered into force on the very same day. On 18th April the anti-crisis shield 2.0. entered into force. On 28-29th April 2020 further drafts were published, including a draft law on interest subsidies on bank loans granted to provide liquidity to entrepreneurs affected by COVID-19 (draft law on subsidies), as well as the draft law amending certain laws regarding protective measures with relation to the spread of SARS-CoV-2. On 30th April the latter draft was adopted by the Sejm and passed to the Senate. Government work on the draft law on the subsidies is still ongoing.

30.04.2020 - Financial shield implemented by the Polski Fundusz Rozwoju S.A. (PFR) - what do we know so far?

Support mechanisms adopted so far by the Polish government, consisting of the so-called anti-crisis shield, turn out to be insufficient from the perspective of the needs of the entrepreneurs who are suffering the negative economic consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic. The government therefore decided to introduce an additional support programme - the PFR financial shield for companies and employees. The aim of the programme, implemented through the Polski Fundusz Rozwoju S.A. (PFR), is, in particular, to protect the labour market and ensure financial liquidity for entrepreneurs in the period of serious economic disruption. The assumed cost of the programme implementation is PLN 100 billion.

21.04.2020 - COVID-19 and the anti-crisis shield 2.0.

Just a few days ago, we informed you that on 31 March this year the Act on amending the Act on special solutions related to the prevention, counteracting and eradication of COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them, commonly referred to as the anti-crisis shield, was adopted. Meanwhile already on the weekend of 4th and 5th April this year the first information on the planned further legislative changes was published. The new draft, called the anti-crisis shield 2.0., was submitted to the Sejm on 7th April. The draft in an almost unchanged form was adopted and submitted to the Senate on 8th April this year. The Senate dealt with the project on 16th April and adopted some changes. The same day the final version, including some of the changes proposed by the Senate, was adopted. On 17th April the President of Poland undersigned the act. The law enters into force the next day after its publishing.

14.04.2020 - COVID-19 - deadline for the commencement of the mandatory share dematerialisation procedure by joint stock companies and limited joint-stock partnerships

Please note that none of the legal regulations introduced, in connection with the prevention of COVID-19 does not modify the deadline for the commencement of the mandatory share dematerialisation procedure by joint stock companies and limited joint-stock partnerships.

09.04.2020 - COVID-19 - recent changes to the Act on Renewable Energy Sources

On the Portal Komunalny Bartosz Frydel, Attorney-at-law trainee at SDZLEGAL Schindhelm, comments on recent changes to the Act on Renewable Energy Sources that have been made by the Anti-Crisis Shield. This topic will be shown by him in the full spectrum in the May issue of the „Energia i Recykling” magazine. We encourage you to read the comment and to contact us in case of any inquires. Some renewable energy producers may need to take urgent decisions to prevent financial loss.


On the weekend of 21st and 22nd March this year, the first information on detailed solutions of the planned package of laws, known as the anti-crisis shield, was published. Only a few hours later it was revealed that proposals for changes and additions were presented by the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, the Social Insurance Institution and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (Urząd Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów; UOKiK). It has also been made public that the new provisions are to take into account proposals for supporting entrepreneurs announced by the President of the Republic of Poland. In the meantime, a draft act was made available.


On 26th March this year, a partially amended draft was adopted by the Council of Ministers and sent to the Polish Parliament. The Sejm (lower Parliament’s chamber) adopted the law that included further amendments on 28th March. Already on 30th March, the Senate considered the document submitted by the Sejm and introduced a number of significant changes. The Sejm rejected most of them the next day, restoring the content of the law to its original version. The Act on amending the Act on special solutions related to the prevention, counteracting and eradication of COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 568) was signed by the President as well as published and it entered into force on the same day.

23.03.2020 - SDZLEGAL Schindhelm COVID-19-Unit

The current events following the outbreak and spread of the corona virus raises numerous legal questions. SDZLEGAL Schindhelm has established a COVID- 19-Unit consisting of our experts in the legal fields most frequently affected. We support you in all legal issues arising from current and future restrictions affecting your business operations.

16.03.2020 - COVID-19 does not necessarily mean insolvency or liquidation!

Forced quarantine has lasted only a few days, but there is no doubt that it will cause financial problems for many entrepreneurs. In these difficult moments we remind you of the solutions offered by the Restructuring Law.

06.03.2020 - Business breakfast - combating the payment backlogs

Next guests of SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM and British Polish Chamber of Commerce attended the business breakfast devoted to combating the payment backlogs, i.e. delays in payments for goods and services.

27.02.2020 - HR Breakfast - Coronavirus on the offensive, business responds

On 27.02.2020 our first HR Breakfast this year took place in our office. This time, two related topics were analyzed: the first related to the obligation to comply with superiors' orders, the second related to epidemiological threats at the workplace - the duties of the employee and employer. The central issue that aroused the most emotions was the naturally growing threat of coronavirus infection.

22.11.2019 - Austria: On the termination of the lease due to considerably detrimental use

According to Sec. 1118 ABGB (Austrian Civil Code), the lessor can terminate a lease unilaterally prematurely if the lessee makes a “considerably detrimental use” of the leased object. The scope and content of these legal provisions is a constant source of discussion. The mere performance of structural alterations by the lessee without the consent of the lessor does not in itself justify a good cause for the termination of the lease.

22.11.2019 - Austria: Even more transparency for transparent companies

State and corporate compliance obligations to combat money laundering and terrorist financing remain an utmost priority for EU member states. Companies (“legal entities”) have therefore been obliged to disclose their “beneficial owners”, among other things, for quite some time. In Austria, a separate database - the “Beneficial Owners Register” - was set up for this purpose. In course of the implementation of the 5th EU Money Laundering Directive, further tightening measures have now been adopted.

22.11.2019 - Europe: Implementation of the EU trade secrets directive

The new “Law on Trade Secrets” now implements the so-called “EU Trade Secrets Directive”. This adopts the European legal requirements for the protection of confidential know-how and secret business information. Moreover, the new legal provisions contain limitation periods and important procedural provisions for the protection of trade secrets in court proceedings.

22.11.2019 - Europe: Liability of the operator of a website for the Facebook “Like Button”

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) recently ruled on the long-discussed question of whether and how website operators can integrate the Facebook Like button (so-called “social plug-in”) in accordance with data protection requirements.Th ECJ’s investigation results from a legal dispute between the Consumer Association of North Rhine-Westphalia and a subsidiary of Peek & Cloppenburg KG.

22.11.2019 - Italy: The new law on corporate crises as a “work in progress”

A new law on company crises has significantly changed the rules applicable to limited liability companies in this respect Among other things, the liability of the company’s management was tightened. Furthermore, the tasks of the supervisory body were expanded. The reform’s true impact remains to be seen: Will there be a change in corporate culture or will there be an increase in corporate crises?

22.11.2019 - Slovakia: New law on whistleblowing

“Whistleblower” - people who point out violations of the law - will be protected even more in the future. This is the aim of a new law that came into force a few months ago. The new regulation adds to already existing provisions on the protection of whistleblowers in the employment relationship.

22.11.2019 - Turkey: Changes in subsidy law

State aid is granted on the basis of various criteria. The region or the economic sector in which the investment is made is decisive, but also the strategic importance of the investment and the level of the investment volume. Investments in structurally weak regions receive higher subsidies than investments in industrial areas. For the award of grants, a distinction is made between six different regions.

08.08.2019 - Extension of declaration deadline for micro and small enterprises

Micro and small enterprises, who wish to benefit from the electrical energy prices freeze in whole 2019, will have time to file the declaration until 13 August 2019.

05.08.2019 - Counteracting the Effects of Increase in Electrical Energy Prices

The system of laws on mechanisms counteracting the effects of increase in electrical energy prices is nearing completion.

The system will consist of two acts of parliament: Act of 28 December 2018 Amending the Act on Excise Duty and Certain Other Acts and Act on Compensation System for Energy-Intensive Sectors and Subsectors, which is waiting for President's signature.

25.06.2019 - Turkey: The mandatory mediation procedure in Turkish law - labour law and commercial law suits

Justified by the goal of solving legal disputes in a fast and economical manner without filing lawsuits and thus relieving the overloaded Turkish courts, a mediation procedure is implemented as a mandatory pre-condition for filing a lawsuit according to Turkish labour and commercial law.

19.06.2019 - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): One year on – european overview on key developments

It is the first anniversary of the GDPR. We would like to take this opportunity to provide you with an overview on the recent developments in the EU member states regarding GDPR, including information concerning first decisions, imposed fines and local law.

13.05.2019 - Tomasz Szarek - Partner at SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM - was elected to the management board of the IAG International Advisory Group.

IAG has been associating law firms and tax advisors operating throughout the world for 30 years. Nowadays there are more than sixty law firms and tax advisors affiliated. They provide services in Europe, North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia.


SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM is a member of the IAG International Advisory Group since 2015.

05.02.2019 - Clients of SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM certified as "Top Employer"

The Top Employers Institute has announced results of 10th edition of the Top Employers programme, and have granted “the Top Employer” title to 1554 entities from 118 countries. In terms of the number of certified employers, Poland achieved 9th position – the title has been granted to 56 entities running theirs businesses in Poland.

09.01.2019 - Austria: New protection of business secrets - entrepreneurs must act.

Companies invest in know-how, from which there are important competitive advantages. Valuable information is the currency of the knowledge-based company. Maintaining confidentiality of business secrets is therefore a management instrument for competitiveness and research innovations. The loss of secrets can result in serious consequences, in particular, and generally can no longer be reversed.

04.12.2018 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM successfully substituted the debtor in a consumer bankruptcy proceeding

The bank paid funds to the developer contrary to the content of the loan agreement concluded with our client. The developer has declared bankruptcy and our client had paid off the loan for almost 10 years for an apartment that has never been built. Despite making regular repayments to the bank, it finally demanded repayment of the entire debt at once.

27.11.2018 - Considerable compensation for adoption of local zoning plan for our Client in real estate industry

Due to SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM’s efforts, the Regional Court in Wrocław confirmed that a commune which enacts a local zoning plan should thoroughly consider its effect on the value of properties.

22.11.2018 - higher wage and incidental wage costs from 2019

In the budget planning for 2019, companies should prepare for the expected increase in Po-lish labour costs.

22.11.2018 - withdrawal as sole managing director will be slightly more difficult from 2019

In the business world, situations often arise in which the only existing managing director wants to leave the company.

22.11.2018 - Turkey: The decree to protect the value of the Turkish currency – limitation of foreign currency and foreign currency indexed contracts

The presidential decree no. 32 issued on 12/09/2018 to protect the value of the Turkish cur-rency ("Decree") sets the limitation of foreign currency and foreign currency indexed contracts and stipulates that these contracts must be converted within 30 days into Turkish Lira (“TL”).

11.10.2018 - Success of the Client of SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM

The client of the SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM has signed a contract "S-14 Construction of the Western Beltway of Łódź. Lot No. 1: Section I from the Łódź Lublinek node to the Łódź Teofilów node. Lot 2: Section II from the node Łódź Teofilów (without a node) to national road 91 in Słowik worth almost PLN 1 billion 150 million.

27.09.2018 - Another success of the Client of SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM

The National Chamber of Appeal’s ruling allows the Client, represented by legal counsel Katarzyna Skiba-Kuraszkiewicz, Partner in SDLEGAL SCHINDHELM, to conclude a 69 million PLN contract for a six-year long comprehensive maintenance of the A4 motorway section administered by the General Directorate of National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA).

17.09.2018 - Success of the Client of SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM in the proceedings before the National Chamber of Appeal

The client, represented in the winning proceedings before the National Chamber of Appeal by legal counsel Katarzyna Skiba-Kuraszkiewicz, Partner at SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM, will sign a contract worth over 880 mln PLN for the construction of a 16 km section of national road No. 47.

28.06.2018 - Austria: E-allocation and safe linking by means of hash value

The electronic transmission of tenders in the award procedure is nothing new and was already standardised in the Federal Procurement Act 2006 both for the classical area and for the area of sector contractors.

28.06.2018 - Belgium: Fairness and transparency in online trading

Online platforms and search engines dominate Internet trading. Unilateral business conditions, non-transparent algorithms and rankings are unfortunately not uncommon.

28.06.2018 - Bulgaria: New requirements for company sale and insolvency

As in the past, in the case of company sales, the seller has repeatedly neither paid salaries due nor paid social security contributions due for employees, the Bulgarian Commercial Code was amended accordingly by three successive amendments in December 2017, February and March 2018.

25.05.2018 - New EU data protection law: Data transfer to third countries

International business transactions often involve cross border transfer of personal data. This is the case for instance where the data is stored on a server located in a third country (a country outside the EEA) or a third country IT service provider has access to the data processed by a company within the EU. If personal data is to be transferred to a third country specific provisions of the GDPR will apply.

27.04.2018 - Interpretation of premise of having firm and regular source of income in the proceedings for recognition as a Polish citizen

On 19 October 2017 the Voivodeship Administrative Court in Warsaw issued a judgment (case no. IV SA/Wa 1306/17) in which it adopted interpretation of firm and regular source of income favourable for foreigners applying for recognition as a Polish citizens. Due to the judgement and SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM’s efforts Client from April 2018 benefits from final and binding decision recognizing him as a Polish citizen.

25.04.2018 - New EU data protection law: Data breaches

As of 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) introduces harsh sanctions for data breaches with extended scope of applicability.Companies and other data processing entities become potential subjects not only to the data subjects’ claims for damages, the enforceability of which has been enhanced, but also to increased administrative fines to be imposed by supervisory authorities.

27.03.2018 - The financial statement of a Polish company can be submitted only by a member of the board holding a Polish PESEL number

Starting from 15th of March Polish entrepreneurs are obligated to submit financial statements of the company only in electronic form, through a special website provided by the Ministry of Justice Such procedure should provide an easier way of publishing the financial statements as well as allow anyone and from anywhere to review their content. On the other hand it may also cause some serious problems to companies with foreigners as board members. Would the foreigners in the management boards of Polish companies be forced to obtain a Polish PESEL number in order to submit the financial statement properly?

12.03.2018 - New EU data protection law: Data Protection Officer

The General Regulation on Data Protection (GDPR) which will apply from 25th May 2018, introduces the position of the Data Protection Officer (DPO). The DPO shall be the contact person for and shall be involved in all data protection related issues of the given entity. The DPO is either an employee (so called internal DPO) or a third-party contractor (so called external DPO). The DPO is an organ within the company which liaises with the authority, the company and the data subjects.

09.03.2018 - National Appeals Chamber’s judgements in favor of the client of the SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM

On 8th December 2017, the National Appeals Chamber issued a judgment (KIO 2443/17, KIO 2445/17) ordering the contracting authority to exclude a rival contractor on the basis of administrative penalties imposed for violating obligations coming from environmental law. This is one of the first judgments ordering exclusion on this legal ground.

15.02.2018 - New EU data protection law: Sanctions and liability

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the EU Parliament in 2016 provides a higher standard of protection of personal data for EU citizens. The GDPR will have direct effect in all member states as of May 25, 2018 and it will affect businesses all around the world that are engaged in activities with individuals in the EU.

22.01.2018 - New EU data protection law: Principles on the processing of personal data

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the EU Parliament in 2016 provides a higher standard of protection of personal data for EU citizens. The GDPR will have direct effect in all member states as of May 25, 2018 and it will affect businesses all around the world that are engaged in activities with individuals in the EU.

11.12.2017 - New EU data protection law: Compliance check

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU will come into force on 25 May 2018 and it will affect organisations worldwide working with or within the EU. The GDPR promotes accountability and governance. Organisations are required to put into place comprehensive governance measures to ensure compliance. Non-compliance can lead to heavy fines up to EUR 20 million or 4 % of the global annual turnover, whichever is higher.

17.11.2017 - New EU data protection law - Fines up to EUR 20 million

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the EU Parliament in 2016 provides a higher standard of protection of personal data for EU citizens. The GDPR will have direct effect in all member states as of May 25, 2018 and it will affect businesses all around the world that are engaged in activities with individuals in the EU.

15.09.2017 - The success of the SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM in appeal proceedings before the National Chamber of Appeal

regarding the tenders for the collection and management of municipal waste from the Poznań Agglomeration.

15.06.2017 - Lawyers of SDZLEGAL SCHIENDHELM as co-authors of Standard for Minimum Program of Ethics under the auspices of Global Compact Network Polska

SDZLEGAL SCHIENDHELM law firm is a member of United Nations Global Compact – world’s largest organisation concerned with popularisation among private entrepreneurs of standards of balanced growth in fields of human rights, employees rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption. On the national level the project is governed by National Network – Global Compact Network Polska.

28.03.2017 - New competence – extensive advice for entrepreneurs facing crisis

Experienced and skilled lawyers as well as tax and restructuring advisors provide support for debtors and creditors, also in cross-border insolvency proceedings.

21.03.2017 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM has advised on financing for Piwik PRO

SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM has advised Wrocław-based company CLEARCODE in course of the obtaining of external targeted financing for its subsidiary, Piwik PRO. By the investment agreement signed, the company received a total of 8 million PLN from the investment fund - Warsaw Equity Group and Tim Schumacher - an international entrepreneur and one of the most recognized European experts in the field of on-line marketing. It is one of the major investments in a start-up company on the Polish market.

03.02.2017 - Lawyers of SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM as co-founders of the Public Procurement Law Association

We kindly announce that on 3. February 2017 the Public Procurement Law Association was established. The founding members of the Association are, among others, Anna Specht-Schampera - Partner in SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM, who is the memeber of the Association's management board.

28.09.2016 - Law Firm Schampera, Dubis, Zając i Wspólnicy sp.k. honored with a title of „The Ambassador of the Polish economy of 2016”

Law Firm Schampera, Dubis, Zając i Wspólnicy Sp. k. was honored as the Ambassador of the Polish economy of 2016 in a contest organized by the Business Centre Club under the auspices of the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussel.


Ambassador of the Polish economy, in example, represents and promotes Poland in an international arena as a trustworthy commercial partner, supports an image of an honest Polish entrepreneur, as well as attracts investors.

13.09.2016 - Mr. Tomasz Szarek (legal counsel) as a delegate of the Business Center Club at a meeting of the Parliamentary Special Commission for deregulation (NDR)

On 13 September 2016 took place another meeting of the Parliamentary Special Commission for deregulation (NRD). In this meeting as a delegate of the Business Centre Club took part Mr. Tomasz Szarek.

21.07.2016 - The success of SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM in the proceedings before The National Appeal Chamber – precedential verdict on supplementary procurement in services

The Chamber in a verdict of 22 June 2016 (KIO 983/16) upheld the appeal lodged by SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM’s Client and ordered the Directorate to cancel the procedure in this mode.

05.07.2016 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM assisted in a merger of Polish structures of SSAB and RUUKKI

SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM advised Polish company belonging to SSAB (Swedish producer of steel) during a process of merger with Polish structures of RUUKKI, a part of Rautaruukki holding. The aforesaid project was an element of an international merger of SSAB AB (Sweden) and Rautaruukki OY (Finland) with a whole value of 1.6 billion USD.

02.05.2016 - Memorandum on a new law on suspending a sell-out of agricultural properties belonging to the Polish State Treasury

A purpose of this Memorandum is to shed a light on key issues regarding a new law on suspending a sell-out of agricultural land belonging to the Polish State Treasury (hereinafter referred to as the “new regulation”).The final draft of the new regulation has been passed by Polish Parliament on April 14, 2016. The new law has come into force on April 30, 2016. A main purpose of the new regulation is to impose limitations on a turnover of an agricultural land, not only that belonging to the State Treasury, but also land in private sector.

05.04.2016 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM brought an action for annulment before the Court of Justice of the European Union

The SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM represents one of the largest Polish universities in a proceeding before the Court of Justice of the European Union. The case concerns the interpretation of an EU-financed grant agreement.

21.01.2016 - International conference: The public procurement practice in Germany and Austria.

SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM with the cooperation with the “Public Procurement” magazine (pol. Przetargi Publiczne, hereby invite you to the international conference “The Public procurement practice in Germany and Austria”.

15.10.2015 - 30 Years of European Product Liability Law

SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM is a sponsor of the international conference „30 Years of European Product Liability Law”, organized by the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of the University of Wrocław.

13.10.2015 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM at the XIII Local Government Capital and Finance Forum

Dear All, we would like to kindly invite you

to the XIII Local Government Capital and Finance Forum, which will take place on 1 October 2015 at the International Congress Forum in Katowice. At this prestigious event in the world of local government SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM Law Firm will be represented by the legal adviser Tomasz Szarek – our partner managing the corporate law and mergers and acquisitions department. Mr. Tomasz Szarek will take part in the lectures covering the organization and supervision of the municipal governance in the municipality company and the modern model of the municipal council.

29.09.2015 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM expert at the Congress of HR Summit 2015

Mr. Katarzyna Gospodarowicz - legal adviser - expert in labour law of the SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM, will be participating in the panel discussion.

28.09.2015 - When the company should submitted the first financial statement

We kindly invite you to read the article of the legal trainee from our Law Office Marcin Śledzikowski “When the company should submitted the first financial statement”, which was published in yesterday’s number of the newspaper Rzeczpospolita. The author discusses business practices in respect of the obligation concerning submitting financial statements for the first year of the business activity, in the light of the recent resolution of the Supreme Court

28.09.2015 - For the offer to the foreigner the employer may pay the PLN 5.000 fine

We would like to invite You to the lecture of the article of the legal adviser Katarzyna Gospodarowicz "For the offer to the foreigner the employer may pay the PLN 5.000 fine" published in yesterday's number of the newspaper Rzeczpospolita. Author discussed the issues covering the discrimnation of the employers in respect of employment by Polish employers foreigners.

17.06.2015 - The success of SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM before the District Court in Warsaw in dealing with complaints against the judgment of the KIO

The appeal proceedings before the KIO and the proceedings before the District Court Complaint were conducted by the Partners of the SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM - legal adviser Katarzyna Skiba-Kuraszkiewicz and legal adviser Anna Specht-Schampera, specializing in public procurement law.

11.06.2015 - Dear All welcome to the training "Non-competition, trade secret, confidentiality clauses on the basis of an employment relationship"

The object of the training is to discuss issues related to the non-competition clause during and after termination of the employment, including in particular the permissible and necessary elements of the non-competition agreements, as well as issues related to the business secret, including the concept of business secrets and conditions necessary to acquire data secret and confidentiality clauses with regard to the data that can be effectively covered by such secrecy.

10.06.2015 - Vernissage of the works of Lev Stern - 06/18/2015

SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM is pleased to invite You to an exhibition of paintings and sculptures of the artist Lev Stern, which will take place on Thursday 18th June 2015 in our Law Office - Budynek Starej Giełdy (the old stock exchange building), first floor, Plac Solny 16 Wroclaw.

01.06.2015 - Employee volunteering SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM - Municipality Wolimierz

From 10 to 12 April 2015 lawyers from the law firm SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM went to Wolimierz, a village in Lower Silesia.

28.05.2015 - SDZLEGAL on the II Corporate Run in Wrocław

16 May 2015 r Lawyers from the SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM Law Office took part in the II Corporate Run in Wroclaw.

14.05.2015 - „Image under protection”

On 14.05.2015 legal adviser from our Law Office Katarzyna Gospodarowicz published the article covering the consent of the employer to the publishing employer image by the employee.

10.04.2015 - Whistle blowing in good faith still poorly protected

Whistle blower is a person who, acting in good faith and in the interests of the public good, exposing non-regularities or unethical behavior in the workplace or work environment, exposing themselves to mobbing, loss of employment or marginalization.

02.04.2015 - Member of the management board of the company as a proxy - practical issues

We kindly invite you to read the articles wrote by legal apprentice Marcin Śledzikowski under the tittle: “Member of the management board of the company as a proxy - practical issues”, which was published on April 2, 2015 in the 6th number of the newspaper “Przegląd Radcowski” of the Chamber of the Legal Advisors in Wroclaw. In such article author presents a reflection on the possibility of establishing of the member of the management board of the company as a proxy in the same company. Commented solution may be an interesting alternative for entrepreneurs, because there are situations where the necessity of making some legal action occurs in the period in which the acting jointly by two members of the management board is impossible or very difficult, eg. As a result of illness of one of them.

21.03.2015 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM's success in appeal proceedings before the National Appeal Chamber and in complaint proceedings before the District Court in Olsztyn.

20.03.2015 - Personal data: information about the applicant on the full time job will flow not freely

We would like to invite you to read the article of legal advisor Katarzyna Gospodarowicz: "Personal data: information about the applicant on the full time job will flow not freely", dated on 19.03.2015 in "Rzeczpospolita". Article is a synthetic summary of the issues that must be measured to an entrepreneur at the stage of recruitment.

20.03.2015 - Internet sales: effectively limit

We would like to invite you to read the article of Mr. Jaroslaw Fidala "The sale of the Internet to effectively limit", dated on March 20, 2015 in "Rzeczpospolita". The author discusses the main risks of the entrepreneur from the sale of Internet products.


More information.

10.03.2015 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM participant in the V Conference „Fuels from waste. Law-Investments-Innovations-Market.

On 24-26.03.2015 r. In Iławie will be held the V Conference under the title: „Fuels from waste. Law-Investments Innovations-Market.”

23.12.2014 - Working hours during Christmas, New Year and Epiphany


05.12.2014 - Training about new rules on food labeling in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1169/2011.


29.09.2014 - The consumer issue in real estate and development industry - the most recent amendments to law and current practice – Warsaw, 29-30.09.2014.

Between 29 – 30 September 2014 in Mariott Hotel in Warsaw will be workshops focusing on the consumer issue in real estate and development industry – the most recent amendments to law and current practice. On the second day of Conference, i.e. 30 September 2014 will give a lecture “Collection and settlement of deposits, advances and payments and charging contractual penalties, according to the stage of investment completion” dr. Agnieszka Łuszpak-Zając, Partner of SDZLEGAL, which is the leader of Real Estate Department.

09.05.2014 - Approval the Financial Statement - 30 June 2014

Dear All, We kindly remind you, that with regards to companies, in which the fiscal year corresponds to the calendar year, 30 June is the deadline for the approval by the company‘s competent authority of the annual financial statement for the year 2013.

18.02.2014 - The XXIV Confernce „Exploitation and recultivation of waste management/landfill site”

The XXIV Confernce „Exploitation and recultivation of waste management/landfill site” 18-20 February 2014, Zakopane, managed by Abrys Sp. z o.o.

“Formal and legal conditions to create recultivation fund in individual organizational forms of installation”

21.01.2014 - The 10th Anniversary Conference New regulation in environmental protection law, Poznań, 20-21 January 2014,

Lecture ofAnna Specht-Schampera: “Waste management in new legal system – execution of the provisions of Act on municipality level”

19.11.2013 - Lawyers for children

19.11.2013 - The bill on renewable energy sources submitted to consultations

November 12, 2013 the Ministry of Economy submitted to inter-ministerial and social consultations the bill on renewable energy sources. Comments to the bill may be submitted among others through the Internet consultation system until 26 November 2013.

29.10.2013 - Lecture of Legal Advisor Anna Specht-Schampera at the municipal workshop sessions „Inspections and penalty in waste management”

Lecture of Legal Advisor Anna Specht-Schampera at the municipal workshop sessions „Inspections and penalty in waste management”

18.10.2013 - Supreme Chamber of Control will inspect wind farms

10.10.2013 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM acting as a legal adviser in the proceedings before European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg

07.10.2013 - Doing business in China – another edition already in autumn 2013

We are pleased to inform, that on October 7th, 2013, another edition of SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM seminar in the series of „DOING BUSINESS IN CHINA” will take place.

26.09.2013 - Training: Optimization of salaries of management board members and managers due to the tax and Social Security costs

An employment contract is a traditional, but also the most expensive form of cooperation with a manager. In many cases, the change in the form of cooperation, or the payment of salaries from several titles can significantly increase the revenue of manager, and also reduce the burdens on the entity, for which the manager provides his/her services.

03.09.2013 - Lecture of legal advisor, Anna Specht-Schampera at the conference - "Comprehensive waste disposal" Warsaw 03.09.2013 - 05.09.2013

On July 1, 2013, the new system of municipal waste management was implemented in our country. Commune took over the responsibilities connected with collection, transport, recycling and neutralizing of waste. Did the communes manage to prepare for changes on time? If not, why?

05.08.2013 - Functioning of the special economic zones has been extended to 2026

On 23 July,2013 the Council of Ministers adopted 14 regulations extending by six years, i.e. to 2026, the time limit of functioning of the Special Economic Zones. This is very good news for entrepreneurs who has been already operating in the Special Economic Zones as well as for those who wants to start their business activity in Special Economic Zones.

13.06.2013 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM supports the organization of photo exhibition in Wrocław

„1 autre . de vue - inny punkt widzenia” is a title of the photo exhibition organised by students of the Institute of Romans Studies of the University in Wrocław.

04.03.2013 - Radio in a company car and radio licence fee

Licence fee has to be paid for each radio device fitted in a company car. Licence fee has to be paid as many times as there are company cars equipped with a radio in a company. In order to rescue the TVP (Public...

28.02.2013 - Training: Liability of management board members for the violation of antitrust law in Poland, including German practice.

Polish German Chamber of Commerce (AHK) Regional Office in Wrocław together with the law office SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM invite you for a training “Liability of management board members for the violation of antitrust law in …

06.12.2012 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM works hard at the Santa Claus Factory once again!

Once again SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM participates in the charity action of Gazeta Wyborcza and Agora Foundation called "Santa Claus Factory". This year, thanks to all the cooperating companies we managed to collect almost …

24.09.2012 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM TEAM in the 1st historical edition of the Rally of Poland

Cracow automobile club, decided to arrange the I st historical edition of the Rally of Poland, in beautiful locations of the Little Poland. The Rally was supposed to refer to the tradition of the Rally of Poland, and in its form, …

20.08.2012 - Biowaste – Compost plant as the necessary element of reduction of the level of biodegradable waste

On the 13-14.09.2012 in Gliwice the National Conference shall take place: Biowaste – Compost plant as the necessary element of reduction of the level of biodegradable waste. The Conference shall be organized by EKORUM. During …

20.08.2012 - 41st Convention of National Forum Waste Management Companies Directors 19.09. - 22.09.2012

On the 19.09. - 22.09.2012 a 41st Convention of National Forum Waste Management Companies Directors. During the convention Anna Specht-Schampera from SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM shall present a lecture “Directives to the act on …

13.08.2012 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM obtains a security of claim for MAX BÖGL companies in litigation with the Community of Wrocław and Wrocław 2012 Sp. z o.o. regarding the construction of the City Stadium in Wrocław

Law firm SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM together with law firm CMS Cameron McKenna obtained for their clients – a company MAX BÖGL Polska Sp. z o.o. and a company MAX BÖGL Bauunternehmung GmbH&Co.KG a security for the claim for …


Please be informed that on the 30th of June the period for accepting the annual financial report in units expires. This refers to the units in which the financial year ends on 31st of December. Until that date the Ordinary …

15.06.2012 - Training "Cooperation with the security of the company - practical and legal issues"

We would like to invite you for our new training "Cooperation with the security of the company -practical and legal issues". The goal of our training is to provide you with practical information concerning the rules of …

16.05.2012 - Employee’s right for protection of privacy. What can the employer do within the scope of control, identification, appearance and obtaining information about the employee.

We invite you for a training: "Employee’s right for protection of privacy. What can the employer do within the scope of control, identification, appearance and obtaining information about the employee" The main goal …

25.04.2012 - Seminar "Fuels from waste"

On 30.05-01.06 Abrys Sp. z o.o. conducts a Seminar – “Fuels from waste”. The seminar shall take place in Chorzów. During the seminar Anna Specht-Schampera from SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM shall present a lecture Installation for …

16.04.2012 - Benefits of business optimization through a limited partnership or a limited joint-stock partnership

We have the pleasure to invite you to our new seminar organized by SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM in cooperation with Trinity Corporate Services, describing the benefits of business optimization through a limited partnership or a limited …

14.04.2012 - Seminar “Problems connected with the reforming of communal waste management system”

On the 16th of May 2012 Wolters Kluwers is conducting a seminar in Warsaw - “Problems connected with the reforming of communal waste management system”. During the seminar Anna Specht-Schampera from SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM shall …

13.04.2012 - Workshop: “Practical aspects of a due diligence process with respect to the legal issues of transferring a sensitive information”

SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM and the Student’s Scientific Group of Civil Law at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economy of the Wroclaw University invites students and other interested for a Workshop: “Practical aspects of a due …

10.04.2012 - Interdisciplinary seminar

“Systems of security of a football game – local legal, technical, sociological, criminal, cultural and philosophical aspects in the light of international requirements”

21.03.2012 - National Conference: “Local communities as waste management regions”

Between 12 and 13 April 2012 in Rzeszów EKORUM will be organizing a conference: “Local communities as waste management regions”. During the conference Anna Specht-Schampera, attorney at SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM will give a …

20.03.2012 - Conference: “Public procurement law: before and after the amendments”

Between 23 and 25 March 2012 in Rzucew the National Association of Public Procurement Consultants will be organizing a conference “Public procurement law: before and after the amendments”. During the conference Anna …

13.03.2012 - Purchasing practices in the context of antimonopoly risks

SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM in collaboration with the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Poland (CCIFP) will conduct a seminar concerning the antimonopoly risks which are a result of each entrepreneur’s obligation to comply with …

09.03.2012 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM - Renewable energy sources Act

On the 6th of February 2012 the Ministry of Economy finished the public consultations of the new project of the regulation on renewable energy sources. Please find enclosed the comments to the project as well as the results of …

09.03.2012 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM awarded with the title of „Business Gazelle 2011”

Once again SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM has been awarded with the title of „Business Gazelle 2011” in the ranking of Journal “Puls Biznesu”.

23.02.2012 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM as a sponsor of the event „Three countries – Three cities 2012”

SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM is one of the sponsors of the event „Three countries – Three cities 2012” within which the New Jewish Chamber Philharmonic Dresden conducted by Michael Hurshell shall perform concerts in Dresden, Strasbourg …

11.01.2012 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM as a partner in the Programme in European Private Law for Postgraduates (PEPP)

SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM in cooperation with the University of Wroclaw shall conduct lectures in the Programme in European Private Law for Postgraduates (PEPP) from the European Universities. The Programme is organized by …

24.11.2011 - SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM supports the Foundation “Between Heaven and Earth”

We have the pleasure to inform that SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM supports the project WOMEN OF LAW – a charity action of the Foundation “Between Heaven and Earth”. The goal of this year action is to gather funds for the pupils of the …

14.11.2011 - Invitation - Sounds of law

Ladies and Gentlemen, We invite you for the evening inaugurating the alliance of Law Firm Schampera, Dubis, Zając i Wspólnicy with SCHINDHELM - the international network of law firms with offices in Middle / Eastern Europe and …

08.09.2011 - SDZLEGAL as a member of Schindhelm alliance

SDZLEGAL became a member of SCHINDHELM - the international alliance of corporate law firms.

- UPDATE: Significant court fees increase is coming up

The President of the Republic of Poland signed the Amendment on 24 July 2019. Therefore the Amendment in the scope described below, in significant court fees increase, may enter into force even within the next 3 weeks.

- Information on the processing of personal data by the Law Office

Dear Sir/Madame,

from 25th May 2018 apply the provisions of the EU general regulation on the protection of personal data. According to the changing regulations and due to the fact, that in the scope of cooperation with Kancelaria Prawna Schampera, Dubis, Zając i Wspólnicy sp. k. (SDZLEGAL Schindhelm) we process Your personal data we kindly inform You that:

- Verdict of administrative court concerning voivodship waste management plan issued in favor of SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM’s Client

Voivodship Administrative Court in Rzeszów declared in verdict of 28 September 2017 that the resolution of Regional Assembly of Podkarpackie Voivodship of 5 January 2017 no XXXI/551/17 concerning Waste Management Plan for Podkarpackie Voivodship 2022 is partly null and void. The contested part concerned qualification of Client’s installation as substitute one, whereas it should be qualified as Regional Municipal Waste Treatment Installation.

- Anna Specht-Schampera - Partner at SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM was awarded by Chambers&Partners as a specialist in public procurement law

Chambers&Partners investigates the legal services market since 1990 in order to recommend its customers most recognized and trustworthy lawyers in the world. Independence and objectivity of Chambers&Partner’s team makes their analysis and rankings reliable and helpful.

- SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM supports Project „LUNETA“ performed in Wrocław as a part of European Capital of Culture 2016

Project LUNETA is part of the Program „Neighbourhood Regained”, which initiators are Foundation Zukunft Berlin and city Wrocław.

LUNETA lets residents and visitors of Wroclaw and Berlin visit the partner city, take a virtual walk, get to know more about the history, presence and the future of two cities . LUNETA is to be placed simultaneously in Wroclaw in front of the main railway station and in Berlin on Potsdamer Platz from May till July 2016.

- Seminar for municipal operators

We are pleased to invite you to the 14th Seminar for municipal operators, which will be held from 7th to 9th October 2015 at the hotel Trylogia in Zielonka near Warszawa. On the second day of the seminar her lecture on "Incineration plants vs Mechanical biological waste treatment installations. Safety waste stream for Mechanical biological waste treatment installations under current regulations, with particular consideration of tenders in municipalities" will give legal advisor Anna Specht-Schampera, partner and head of department of the Public procurement law at our firm.

- The Lower Silesia Political and Economic Forum –Sudeckie Forum

We are pleased to invite you to the The Lower Silesia Political and Economic Forum –Sudeckie Forum which will take place on 21-22 May 2015 in Walbrzych.

- "The crew in the network on the company profile"

In the article "The crew in the network on the company profile" in the Newspaper “Rzeczpospolita” dated on 12.03.2015 r., The authors present the role of the internet and social media in the relationship employer - employee. Very interesting topic. We would like to invite you to read.

- SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM at third historical edition of the Rally of Poland

The third historical edition of the Rally of Poland took place on 4-8th September 2014. The Rally refers to the tradition of the Rally of Poland, and in its form, to the Rallye Monte -Carlo Historique i.e. as a regularity rallying.

- LEGAL ALERT - Price-fixing Cartel

Dear Sir/Madam,


We kindly invite you to read another legal alert, in which the lawyers from SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM – Konrad Schampera, Managing Partner, and Jarosław Fidala, Associate, comment on the last decision of the German Antimonopoly Office, by which 21 entrepreneurs, and 33 physical persons were fined with financial penalties in the total amount of approx. 338 million euros for the price-fixing cartel.

- Wrocław Business Breakfast – Regulations on competitions and promotion campaigns for clients and contracting parties – prohibited clauses, practical problems

- SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM Partner of Regional Edition of Business Breakfasts of French Chamber of Trading and Commerce in Poland

- Partner of the Law Firm Mrs Anna Specht-Schampera - legal expert of the RIPOK Council

- LEGAL ALERT - Financial Statements after 1 October 2018.

We kindly inform you that in accordance with Article 45(1f) of the Act of 29 September 1994 on Accountancy, the financial statements are prepared in electronic form and bear a qualified electronic signature or a signature confirmed by the ePUAP trusted profile.

- Lawyers from SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM advised on financing of construction of the first Polish Curio Collection hotel by Hilton

Within this project our lawyers provided advice on the entry of financing investor, from the stage of negotiations and financing structure planning, through its protection and implementation.

- When the entrepreneur is lialiable for the activity of the sales representative

Szanowni Państwo,


Zapraszamy do lektury artykułu radcy prawnego z naszej Kancelarii Jarosława Fidali pt. "Kiedy przedsiębiorca odpowiada za działania pośrednika handlowego", który ukazał się w środowym numerze gazety Rzeczpospolita (26.08.2015). Autor w przedmiotowym artykule analizuje negatywne skutki wynikające dla zleceniodawców z naruszenia prawa konkurencji przez pośredników handlowych działających w imieniu i na rachunek zleceniodawców.


Tekst artykułu dostępny jest pod linkiem.

- Note to the business partners across the Odra River

We kindly invite you to read of the article of our attorney Aleksandra Krawczyk “Note to the business partners across the Odra River” which was published in yesterday number of the newspaper “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna” (08/18/2015). In the article the author analyzed the risks associated with the cooperation with the German entrepreneurs who are at risk of insolvency. The author describes the practice of the German trustees, consisting of appeal against the actions of the bankruptcy companies made up for 10 years before the bankruptcy. Its effect can also be imposed on Polish entrepreneur obligation to return all payments received at that time from the German contractor.

- How to eliminate working on high

We kindly invite you to the lecture of the article of the legal adviser Katarzyna Gospodarowicz and legal adviser Wojciech Zając – managing the labour law department of our law office as follows: “How to eliminate working on high”, which was published on the Thursday’s number of the newspaper Rzeczpospolita (13.08.2015). The authors presented the practical solutions for the employers, showing how it can cope with the problem of the designer drugs, despite the lack of statutory regulation in this area.

- Criminal compliance as the measures of preventing liability of collective entities for acts prohibited under penalty

We would like to kindly invite You to lecture of the article of our attorney Aleksandra Krawczyk “"Criminal compliance as a measures of preventing liability of collective entities for acts prohibited under penalty,", which was published in the “Monitor Prawa Gospodarczego”. The author discussed the risks of the latest amendment to the criminal law in the context of criminal liability of companies and methods to prevent this type of risk.

- Useful clauses for the company

We would like to kindly invite You to the lecture of the article our law adviser Jarosław Fidala, which was published today in the newspaper Rzeczpospolita "Useful clauses for the company". Author discussed the most-favored clause and benefits posed by entrepreneurs.

- Joint irregular proxy is unlawful

We would like to kindly inform You that according to the resolution of the Supreme Court dated on 30.01.2015 (file no. III CZP 34/14) entry in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register proxy with the provision, that he is entitled to act only jointly with the other member of the management board (joint irregular proxy) is inadmissible.

- We would like to invite you attend in the next meeting of the series “TAX Breakfasts” organized by the SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM and Spolkaiprawo.plon 9.04.2015 at 12:00 - Plac Solny 16 Wroclaw

We would like to invite you attend in the next meeting of the series “TAX Breakfasts” organized by the SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM and on 9.04.2015 at 12:00 - Plac Solny 16 in Wroclaw. During the meeting, we will talk about the current changes in tax regulations, which are essential for running business. More information you can find under the link.

- On 27.03.2015 in the office of SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM training on collective redundancies, personal redundandies and alternative solutions than redundancies, such as in the form for voluntary redundancy programs was held. Training was conducted by legal advisor Wocjiech Zając - partner in the labour law department in SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM and legal advisor Dominika Szachniewicz. We would like to say thank you to all trainees for your participation and invitge you to the next training on labour law!

On 27.03.2015 in the office of SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM training on collective redundancies, personal redundandies and alternative solutions than redundancies, such as in the form for voluntary redundancy programs was held. Training was conducted by legal advisor Wocjiech Zając - partner in the labour law department in SDZLEGAL SCHINDHELM and legal advisor Dominika Szachniewicz. We would like to say thank you to all trainees for your participation and invitge you to the next training on labour law!