
Postponing holidays – what are the procedures?

DGP Dziennik Gazeta Prawna; 11.05.2024 r.

Fake self-employment can turn into a nightmare

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna nr 131/2024

Renewable Energy Act to be amended further

Quarterly magazine Wszystko Działa Nr 2 (33) | 2024

A global minimum tax

BPCC Contact Magazine 64 (159)/2024


Family foundation not as profitable as it seemed

DGP Dziennik Gazeta Prawna; 11.06.2024 r.; nr 111


Holidays in practice. Part 2.

Monthly magazine Pracownik Samorządowy 6/2024, str. 39

Reimbursement of VAT overpayment vs. fiscal receipt

Monthly magazine Przegląd Komunalny 6/2024


Family foundations can become an optimisation vehicle

DGP Gazeta Prawna; 16.05.2024; nr 95


Better protection for the service provider

Przegląd Komunalny 5/2024

How much holiday did you take for May? If you want time off, you have this option left

DGP Gazeta Prawna 30.04.2024; Polish language

Holidays in practice

Pracownik Samorządowy 05.2024, Kadry; Polish language

Better protection for the service provider

Przegląd Komunalny 4/2024; Polish language

National e-Invoice System

Przegląd Komunalny 4/2024, str. 42; Polish language


The need for regulation of artificial intelligence

Wszystko Działa (kwartalnik) 1/2024, str. 95; Polish language

Family foundation can save tax when selling shares

DGP Gazeta Prawna 29.04.2024, nr 84; Polish language


Prosument for tenants as a growth opportunity for the installation industry

Wszystko Działa (kwartalnik) 1/2024, str. 44; Polish language

Can the employer cancel our leave?

DGP Gazeta Prawna 21.04.2024; Polish language

Part-time work and annual leave. How do we calculate how many days off we are entitled to?

Gazeta Prawna 30.03.2024; Polish language

Leave of absence 2024. Basic principles for granting

Gazeta Prawna 30.03.2024; Polish language

What data can be expected from a job applicant

Pracownik Samorządowy 3/2024, str. 46-51; Polish language

Tax from "plastic tax"

Przegląd Komunalny 3/2024 - Polish language


Property tax - how to change the regulations

Przegląd Komunalny 2/2024 str. 42; Polish language


Reporting of tax schemes (MDR) Selected issues,517689.html - Polish language; collective work


Protection of private correspondence at work

IT w Administracji 01.2024; Polish language

Significant changes to RES have come into force

Wszystko działa, 4(31)/2023; Polish language

Leakage of personal data and GDPR

IT w Administracji 01.2024; Polish language

Termination of the employment contract of a teacher who is no more than 4 years short of retirement

Pracownik Samorządowy 1/2024, str. 46-47; Polish language

Development directions of the RES industry in Poland - legal aspects

Polish language

When is a loan to a partner risky?

Rzeczpospolita, 01/2024; Polish language

VAT-U deduction by the municipality

Przegląd Komunalny 1/2024 str. 51; Polish language


Comprehensive service and waste

Przegląd Komunalny 12/2023 (387); Polish language

New developments in biomethane law

Energia i Recykling 12/2023; Polish anguage

HR Compliance

Book; Polish language

Alcohol and misbehaviour at staff eve

Pracownik Samorządowy 12.2023; Polish language

Occupational diseases in teachers

Pracownik Samorządowy 12.2023, str. 36; Polish language

Tax on plastic

Przegląd Komunalny 11/2023, str.24-25; Polish language


Employee sobriety checks. Why are companies reluctant to introduce testing?

Gazeta Prawna - wywiad 28.10.2023 (Polish language)

Polemic: In house is not a golden mean

Przegląd Komunalny nr 6/2023, str. 52-54 (Polish language)

Is fatal poisoning an accident at work?

Pracownik Samorządowy 11.2023, Kadry str. 76 (Polish language)

Illegal clauses in employment contracts

Pracownik Samorządowy 10.2023, Kadry str. 41-49 (Polish language)

Split payment mechanism in the waste sector

Przegląd Komunalny nr 10/2023 (Polish language)


What to look out for when entering into a software contract?

Rzeczpospolita, Dobra Firma, D4 (Polish language)

Drastic reduction in renewable energy purchase obligation is imminent

Wszystko Działa (kwartalnik) 3/2023, str. 14 - 16 (Polish language)

E-invoicing in local and regional authorities

Przegląd Komunalny 8/2023 (Polish language)


Improving professional qualifications does not always require a training contract

Pracownik Samorządowy 7 -8/2023, str. 75-79 (Polish language)

Setting up a holiday plan

Pracownik Samorządowy 7 -8/2023, str. 62-65 (Polish language)

VAT deductibility for the municipality

Przegląd Komunalny 7/2023 (Polish language)


Methane regulation - what's all the fuss about?

Magazyn Wszystko działa!; 07/2023 (Polish language)

The Digitalisation of tax

BPCC; 06/2023


Chat GPT and data security

Rzeczpospolita; 06/2023 (Polish language)

Methane compromise to avoid crisis

Energia i Recykling, str. 45; 06/2023 (Polish language)

Reporting of domestic tax schemes to return soon

Gazeta Prawna nr 111; 06.2023 (Polish language)


Property tax on water and sewerage infrastructure buildings

Przegląd komunalny, str. 68-69; 6/2023 (Polish language)


Municipal activities and VAT

Przegląd Komunalny 5/2023, str. 52-55 (Polish language)


Verification of the squeeze-out price

Przegląd Prawa Handlowego 05/2023 (Polish language)

Covidium regulations and RES-E PRODUCERS

Energia i Recykling 5/2023, str. 44-45 (Polish language)

End of ban on additional employment

Pracownik Samorządowy 5/2023, str. 50-53 (Polish language)

Transfer pricing by municipal companies

Przegląd Komunalny 4/2023, str. 50-53; Polish language


Bid rigging

Czasopismo Zamawiający, str. 49-54 03/04.2023 (Polish language)

The Commission will audit the transactions

Dziennik Gazeta Prawa nr 70, D3; Polish language

Accidents at remote work

Pracownik Samorządowy 4/2023, str. 34-39; Polish language

Warming up the taxpayer-tax authority relationship

Przegląd Komunalny, str. 52-54; Polish language


Work-life balance directive. Important changes for employers

Pracownik Samorządowy, str. 43-49; Polish language

Personal data in Polish and EU case law

IT w Administracji, str. 34-37; Polish language

Reorganisation of a waste management company

Przegląd Komunalny, str. 38-43; Polish language

National business travel

Pracownik Samorządowy, str. 50-52, Polish language

Health and safety in remote working

Pracownik Samorządowy, str. 28-36; Polish language

Biomethane in preparation

Energia i Recykling, str. 44 (Polish language)

Sobriety control and remote working in the employer's internal regulations

Pracownik Samorządowy nr 2/2023, str. 71 - 75 (Polish language)

VAT and gratuitous transfer of waste

Przegląd Komunalny nr 2/2023, str. 31-32 (Polish language)


vat group as a taxable person

Przegląd Komunalny 1/2023, str. 36-39 (Polish language)


Freiwilliges Ausscheiden. Was Arbeitgeber wissen sollten.

Pracownik Samorządowy 01/2023, str. 72-77 (Sprache: Polnisch)

Annual overtime limit

Pracownik Samorządowy 01/2023, str. 42-47 (Polish language)

New recycling levels increase waste management costs

Przeglad Komunalny nr 1/2023, str. 10-13 (Polish language)

Undue performance of the contract

Przetargi Publiczne 12/2022 (Polish language)

Bonus or reward? What to pay the employee at the end of the year?

Pracownik Samorządowy 12/2022, str. 10 (Polish language)

National e-Invoicing System: facilitation or surveillance?

Przegląd Komunalny nr 12/2022, str. 32 (Polish language)


When tendering, you have to expect a black scenario

Rzeczpospolita, 12/2022 (Polish language)

Employee deductions made on the basis of employee consent

Pracownik Samorządowy 12/2022, str. 28-33 (Polish language)

What rights does the creator have after the contribution in kind to the company?

Rzeczpospolita, 10/2022 (Polish language)

Bitcoin is not a thing, nor is it a security. What does execution of a cryptocurrency look like?

Gazeta Prawna, 10/2022 (Polish language)

WIS as additional security

Przegląd Komunalny 10/2022 (Polish language)


Accident (not) at work

Pracownik Samorządowy 10.2022 (Polish language)

At the beginning of next year, news on hydrogen regulation

Energia i Recykling 10/2022 (Polish language)

Employer's obligations following the death of an employee

Pracownik Samorządowy 10.2022 (Polish language)

No more disputes over tenure on company boards.

Gazeta Prawna; 10/2022 (Polish language)

Amendments to the Companies Act: What is a binding instruction?

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, 09/2022 (Polish language)

Information obligations of taxpayers in the waste management industry

Przegląd Komunalny 9/2022, str. 26-28 (Polish language)


Constitution for hydrogen - legislative work in progress

Energia i Recykling; 09/2022 (Polish language)

Commercial operation of a cryptocurrency exchange - what legal obligations?

Rzeczpospolita, Dobra firma, D8; 9/2022 (Polish language)

How to properly impose a disciplinary penalty?

Pracownik Samorządowy, 09.2022, str. 58-63 (Polish language)

All about working time for people with disabilities

Pracownik Samorządowy, 09.2022, str. 46-50 (Polish language)

Data protection - breaches and good practices

IT w Administracji, str. 34-37; 09/2022 (Polish language)

Apportionment of the costs of the appeal proceedings

Przetargi Publiczne, Prawo i Orzecznictwo, str. 65-67; 08/2022 (Polish language)

It is known how energy cooperatives will be billed

Energia i Recykling 07/08.2022 , str. 50 (Polish language)

Errors in the keeping of employee records

Pracownik Samorządowy 07/2022, str. 50-56 (Polish language)

Task-based working time in local government

Pracownik Samorządowy wyd. 7, str. 57-61 (Polish language)

Employee monitoring and data protection

IT w Administracji str. 32 - 35; 06/2022 (Polish language)

Consequences of loss of permit

Rzeczpospolita: Dobra Administracja Nr. 96, S. 13; 26.04.2022 (Polish language)

Energy clusters in the new

Energia i Recykling; 4/2022 (Polish language)

Major amendment to the RES Act on the horizon

Energia i Recykling; 3/2022 (Polish language)

Umbrella projects saved though?

Energia i Recykling Prawo i Podatki str. 49, 02/2022 (Polish language)

Electronisation with problems

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna nr 153, B4; 8/2021 (Polish language)

Home office from the beach in Spain

Rzeczpospolita, 8/2021 (Polish language)

Coronavirus: foreigner's return to work in Poland is not always easy

Rzeczpospolita, 8/2021 (Polish language)

RODO and employee vaccination: data protection makes it more difficult to ensure safe work

Rzeczpospolita, 7/2021 (Polish language)

Establishing an employment relationship

KIPWA, 7/2021 (Polish language)

Non-EU citizens are more difficult to delegate to Germany

Rzeczpospolita, 7/2021 (Polish language)

A foreigner should not be promoted just like that

Rzeczpospolita, 6/2021 (Polish language)

Accident of a posted person grounds for contesting insurance

Rzeczpospolita, 6/2021 (Polish language)

Sellers of ready-made companies and virtual offices will soon come under close supervision

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, 18.05.2021 (Polish language)

For false explanations disciplinary dismissal

Rzeczpospolita, 13.05.2021 (Polish language)

Doing business in the cryptocurrency space under the magnifying glass of the state

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, 11.05.2021 (Polish language)

Pandemic does not force tolerance of excessive absenteeism

Rzeczpospolita, 05/2021 (Polish language)

More entities will fight money laundering

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, 5/2021 (Polish language)

Vaccination against COVID: Extra day off may be an incentive

Rzeczpospolita, 25.04.2021 (Polish language)

PFR writes off subsidies for companies, but algorithm can harm some of them, 4/2021 (Polish language)

Accident at home:faith in word is not enough

Rzeczpospolita, 15.04.2021 (Polish language)

How to counter mobbing effectively

Pracownik Samorządowy, 12-18; 4/2021 (Polish language)

Cooperatives, foundations and partnerships with new responsibilities

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, 3/2021 (Polish language)

From competition to green deal

Energia i Recykling, 4/2021 (Polish language)

How to prevent bullying effectively

Pracownik Samorządowy, 4/2021 (Polish language)

Knowledge of a legal foreign language in the practice of legal services - opportunities and benefits

Radca Prawny, 4/2021 (Polish language)

How to fight wisely for specification change

Rzeczpospolita, 4/2021 (Polish language)

PIP remote inspections

Kadry i Płace w Administracji, 4/2021 (Polish language)

In a pandemic it is easier to get a foreigner to stay legally

Rzeczpospolita, 3/2021 (Polish language)

Waste Shipment from Germany to Poland - Selected Issues; AbfallIIIR Journal publishing information concerning legal issues relating to waste management, Vol. 3/2021 (German language)

AbfallIIIR Journal publishing information concerning legal issues relating to waste management, Vol. 3/2021 (German language)

Criteria for the selection of a financial institution within the PPK

Pracownik Samorządowy, 3/2021 (Polish language)

"Government closes firms again but remains silent on support" - comment, 3/2021 (Polish language)

The impact of Brexit on how businesses and families operate

Prawo w praktyce, 3/2021 (Polish language)

The crisis shields: facilitating the employment of foreigners

Rzeczpospolita 3/2021 (Polish language)

PPA on target of ERO president

Energia i Recykling, 3/2021 (Polish language)

Six important public procurement issues

Wodociągi - Kanalizacja, 3/2021 (Polish language)

"The indefensible manager" - comment

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Firma i Prawo, 3/2021 (Polish language)

Trade unions - grounds for termination of the employment

Radca prawny w Administracji, 3/2021 (Polish language)

The pension scheme will pass in the transfer

Rzeczpospolita, Kadry i Płace, D5; 2/2021 (Polish language)

How to prevent the liquidation of a general partnership after the death of a partner - commentary

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna nr 31; 2/2021 (Polish language)

"How to prevent the liquidation of a general partnership after the death of a partner" - commentary

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna nr 31, C4, 2/2021 (Polish language)

Uncertain rules on contributions for posted persons

Rzeczpospolita, Kadry i Płace, D4, 2/2021 (Polish language)

Opinion on the possibility of combining support from crisis shields

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, 2.2021 (Polish language)

Brexit makes insolvency and restructuring proceedings much more difficult

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna Firma i Prawo, 2/2021 (Polish language)

The legal framework for energy storage

Energia i Recykling, 02/2021 (Polish language)

More difficult litigation and enforcement after Brexit. What entrepreneurs have to bear in mind

Gazeta Prawna nr 21, C2, 2/2021 (Polish language)

Answers to selected questions of entrepreneurs

Poradnik Gazeta Prawna, 1/2021 (Polish language)

Covid changes line-ups in civil cases - single-member as a rule 'Trinity'...exceptionally ; "Courts grapple with covid - e-trials and e-services are supposed to help" ; "Coronavirus an argument for changes in judicial assemblies"

Wolters Kluwer, 1/2021

Exclusion of a contractor from proceedings under the new PPL

Wodociągi i Kanalizacja 1/2021 (Polish language)

Employee data processing - new positions of the DPA

Pracownik Samorządowy, 1/2021 (Polish language)

Quarantine and the provision of labour

Pracownik Samorządowy, 1/2021 (Polish language)

Contracts sorted out and placed in new section of public procurement law"

Poradnik Gazeta Prawna, C13-C14, 1/2021 (Polish language)

New rules for working abroad

Personel Plus, str. 106-111; 1/2021 (Polish language)

The mechanism for determining the compulsory acqusition in a public company - critical arguments

Przegląd Prawa Handlowego, 12/2020 (Polish language)

Is the ERO rightly penalises RES power generators

Energia i Recykling, 12/2020 (Polish language)

Constitutional determinants of the status of the Jewish minority in Poland"

Change of rules in public procurement contracts

Wodociągi Kanalizacja, 12/2020 (Polish language)

The anti-crisis shield versus the zone permit - what threatens entrepreneurs

Automotive Suppliers, 12/2020 (Polish language)

Violation of security rules grounds for termination of contract

Kadry i Płace w Administracji, str. 24-27 12/2020 (Polish language)

Employment conditions abroad

Personel Plus, 11/2020 (Polish language)

Remote working - can an employee refuse

Rzeczpospolita, 11/2020 (Polish language)

Requirements of the new Public Procurement Law also for the plumbing sector

Wodociągi - Kanalizacja, 11/2020 (Polish language)

Offshore law getting closer

Energia i Recykling, 11/2020 (Polish language)

Can a doctor exempt you from wearing a face mask in the workplace

Rzeczpospolita, 11/2020 (Polish language)

PPK and cooperation with the employee side

Pracownik Samorządowy, 10/2020 (Polish language)

The EU Hydrogen Strategy

Energia i Recykling, tr. 55; 10/2020 (Polish language)

The transfer of the workplace excludes the expiration of the contract due to the death of the employer

Gazeta Prawna 10/2020 (Polish language)

Business confidentiality

Przetargi Publiczne, 10/2020 (Polish language)

Legality of data collection

Pracownik Samorządowy 9/2020 (Polish language)

The duty to cooperate during a DPA inspection

ABI EXPERT 9/2020 (Polish language)

Termination of employment contracts without notice through the fault of the employee

The 10 hours rule according to the CJEU

Energia i Recykling, Prawo i podatki 8/2020 (Polish language)

No cost for PPE contributions for three months

Rzeczpospolita, Kadry i Płace 8/2020 (Polish language)

Remote work according to The 4.0 shield

KIPWA 8/2020 (Polish language)

Coronavirus: foreigner's return to work in Poland is not always that easy

Rzeczpospolita 8/2020 (Polish language)

The 4.0 Shield: working remotely on your own terms

Rzeczpospolita 7/2020 (Polish language)

Termination of employment during COVID-19

KIPWA 7/2020 (Polish language)

How to effectively combat payment congestion during an epidemic

GDP, Firma i Prawo, C1-C4 6/2020 (Polish language)

Changes to connection agreements after amendments to the RES Act

Energia i Recykling, 6/2021 (Polish language)

Transboundary work without quarantine

Rzeczpospolita 5/2020 (Polish language)

"A civil law partnership may account for partners' sins"- comment

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, 5/2020 (Polish language)

Coronavirus: data protection doesn't block actions in connection with a pandemic

Rzeczpospolita, 5/2020 (Polish language)

"In-kind contibution or comapny merge may exclude from aid"- comment

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna nr 99; 5/2020 (Polish language)

UODO advises on how to conduct remote lessons

Wspólnota; 5/2020 (Polish language)

The shield will protect RES

Energia i Recykling, str. 39; 5/2020 (Polish language)

Subsidy also for part of the month

Rzeczpospolita, Dobra Firma, Kadry i Płace nr 101; 4/2020 (Polish language)

The minister's explanations will not allay all doubts

Przegląd Komunalny 4/2020 (Polish language)

"No penalty for reducing working hours of a foreigner" - comment

Rzeczpospolita 4/2020 (Polish language)

"Confusion over deadlines during pandemic: when to rush and when you can wait"- comment

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna nr 77, C2; 4/2020 (Polish language)

Coronavirus : longer settlement period will reduce staff shortages after pandemic

Rzeczpospolita, 4/2020 (Polish language)

Coronavirus: the Labour Code offers wider opportunities than the special act

Rzeczpospolita, 4/2020 (Polish language)

Coronavirus: the shield does not make life easier for employers

Rzeczpospolita, 4/2020 (Polish language)

OHS: remote training rather inadvisable

Rzeczpospolita, 4/2020 (Polish language)

The crisis shield for employers: excessive procedures, lack of definition

Rzeczpospolita, 4/2020 (Polish language)

"The impact of COVID-19 on the functioning of bodies of companies" in Report: Coronavirus and the Law

Must Read Media, str. 179-187; 4/2020 (Polish language)

Collective redundancies

Kadry i Płace w Administracji; 4/2020 (Polish language)

Working on the other side of the Oder on a Polish contract with a German minimum wage

Rzeczpospolita, 3/2020 (Polish language)

How to sort things out more easily after a deceased spouse

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, C8, 3/2020 (Polish language)

In the period of pandemic, periodic examinations are not necessary

Rzeczpospolita, 3/2020 (Polish language)

Coronavirus: downtime is not the employer's fault

Rzeczpospolita, 3/2020 (Polish language)

Common sense prevail!

Rzeczpospolita, D4 2/2020 (Polish language)

"Independence not only for the university councillor"

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 1/2020 (Polish language)

Not every counsellor-client relationship limits their indepencence-layers' satisfaction with the CJEU judgement 2/2020 (Polish language)

How to prperly notify real beneficiary in the register

Gazeta Prawna 1/2020 (Polish language)

Continued compensation for energy price increases

Rzeczpospolita 1/2020 (Polish language)

Craftsman as entrepreneurs

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, 1/2020 (Polish language)

GDPR still creates problems

Wspólnota 1/2020 (Polish language)

Small investors struggle with Cerrad 1/2020 (Polish language)

How to implement the right of access?

Abiexpert 1/2020 (Polish language)

Authentication of documents in corporate archives

Wspólnota nr 12/2019, Kurier Prawny (Polish language)

ShareholdersLiability for Ruining a Company in Light of the CJEU's Judgment in Kornhaas'

European Business Organisation Law Review 3/2019

Legal interest to challenge the status of the regional municipal waste treatment facility (RIPOK)

What is next with waste transfer stations?

Przegląd Komunalny 3/2015

Home office almost as teleworking

Internet sales: effectively limit


Personal data: information about the aplication on full-time job will flow not freely

Disciplinary dismissal is the ultimate solution

Flexibility is not a full freedom

Image under protection

First knowledge then transaction

Mind the court sentences. Not everyone are in accordance with the law

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Truck driver with the Polish salary

As the intuition so the payment

German rates will be checked by EU

First the policies and aims, then assessments and consequences

Submitted documents will replace a data protection clause

The whole crew to help the crippled and the disadvantaged

Penalties for not providing wastes to RSPMW.

Przegląd Komunalny

The Regional Stations for Processing Municipal Waste versus “Quasi-RSPMW”; Is it possible to divest the Stations status of the RSPMW?

Regional Stations for Processing Municipal Waste investments – the most frequent problems

Przegląd Komunalny; Zeszyt specjalny 1/2014

Germany will control temporary work agencies

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Germany sets up a minimum wage. Salaries of employees posted abroad will be checked

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Couple people – one desk. Open space restored

Sometimes you have to accept unpacked goods

Gazeta Prawna

Competition law - time for changes (IV)

Izba Francuska

Competition law - time for changes

Izba Francuska

English clauses in contracts with business partners

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna nr 150

2 mln for breach of competition law

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna nr 125

Competition law - time for changes (VI)

Izba Francuska

Report well or pay and cry

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna nr 82

Stricter penalties for infringements of competition law


Occupational medicine physicians expose the company to additional costs

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Can bad luck be considered as the cause of an accident at workplace

Parent (un)protected from the collective redundancies

Contractual penalties are not always legal

Background screening, how to check the CV

Is it possible to assign the night shift on the last day of notice period?

Double salary for May day picnic

Termination of employment contract faster than law provides

Should the contracts with members of management board in state-owned companies be publicly accessible?

Employees can also bring class action lawsuits

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Charitie at work

Does the commute to construction site count in as working time

Administrator can reveal a hater

The termination of contract does not mean the end of loyalty

Employment agreements terrify employers

Entrepreneurs in the new municipal waste management system

Other document than policy.

Nov. 2013 Przetargi Publiczne

Act on Payment Dates in Commercial Transactions. Amount due for service or delivery goods.

Nov. 2013 Przetargi Publiczne

Outstanding deductions and payments for social funds shall be subject to limitation

Portal Centrum Rekrutacyjne

Competition law - time for changes (III)

Will the court examine which party actually is responsible for termination of the employment agreement

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

The consequences of giving false information during the recruitment process

Pracownik Samorządowy

The corridor is no place for an employee’s locker room

When is it profitable to change from permanent employment to self-employment

Portal Centrum Rekrutacyjne

How to examine an employee’s objection to penalty for breach of employer’s order

How to avoid a mistake by the termination of an employment contract

Portal Centrum Rekrutacyjne

When does it come to overtime work

Serwis Prawno-Pracowniczy

Do you earn less than colleagues? File for the compensation

Centrum Rekrutacyjne

Permanent employment not only by the Vistula River

Everything about the posting of employees abroad in 2013

Ebook 66 str.,

Comments in "The work overseas with the contact person"

Changing the working schedule is a wrong way to avoid payment for overtime hours

Juveniles are included in employment

What is the sanction for fragmentation of holiday leave

Here comes a revolution in the settlement of working time

Centrum Rekrutacyjne

Secret reason for departure

Outstanding days off are not always a fault of employer

Entrepreneur has to cooperate more often with the employee’s representation at the company"

Denunciation is desirable when it helps the company’s good

Doubtful effectiveness of bad scoring

The consequences of free services for an employee

Pracownik Samorządowy, nr 12/2012

Who determines the rate VAT

Przetargi Publiczne

Civil Code

Przetargi Publiczne

Complaints procedure

Przetargi Publiczne

Bid rigging

Przetargi Publiczne

Consumer law with practical commentary

Gazeta Prawna

How to profitably buy an apartment?

Poradnik Gazety Prawnej

Good Employment. Vademecum

Poradnik Gazety Prawnej

Forgery of documents

Przetargi Publiczne