
The requirements that laws and courts place on companies are becoming ever more complex. This also increases the risk of management itself and having legal action filed against it for breaches. Particularly under these aspects, compliance, or acting according to certain rules, is growing in importance. The challenges and risks of the operating business are too diverse, so that they must be countered with a correspondingly careful check and preparation.

In specialized compliance teams, we develop an individual compliance programme for your company. In close collaboration with you and in a way tailored to the special characteristics of your business, we examine your processes and potential for risk, propose optimized measures and accompany you in their implementation. The goal here is to identify risks and minimize them for the future.

The benefits for you, your company and your employees are obvious. A well-functioning and permanently maintained compliance system protects your company e.g. from fines under competition law, proceedings under penal law against responsible managers or recourse claims from ill-informed shareholders. In addition, careful compliance in the form of clear specifications and training courses also results in particular protection of your employees, for instance in the area of corruption criminal law. Not least, a compliance that is "lived" is also a guarantee for the preservation of your company's reputation and competitiveness. Primarily international corporations make the award of contracts depending on whether the commissioning company is "compliant" or not. With company acquisitions too, the lack of or a defect in a compliance system can be a deal-breaker. Moreover, the existence of a well-functioning compliance system is the decisive investment argument in many cases. That compliance management can increase the value of a company and gives a decisive ancillary effect.

Our range of consulting services extends from the identification and assessment/evaluation of compliance risks to specific management interviews and the implementation of a customized compliance programme. We are also pleased to support you in the "maintenance" of your system, carry out compliance audits and advise you in your activity as a compliance officer.

You are of course in the best possible hands with our company in specific compliance cases. We support you in crisis management, in particular in communication with the media and authorities, and offer individual training courses for conduct in crises.