
Startups. Safeguard clauses in incentive programs

When is a loan to a partner risky?

Rzeczpospolita, 01/2024; Polish language

Verification of the squeeze-out price

Przegląd Prawa Handlowego 05/2023 (Polish language)

Reorganisation of a waste management company

Przegląd Komunalny, str. 38-43; Polish language

No more disputes over tenure on company boards.

Gazeta Prawna; 10/2022 (Polish language)

Electronisation with problems

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna nr 153, B4; 8/2021 (Polish language)

"The indefensible manager" - comment

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Firma i Prawo, 3/2021 (Polish language)

The mechanism for determining the compulsory acqusition in a public company - critical arguments

Przegląd Prawa Handlowego, 12/2020 (Polish language)

How to effectively combat payment congestion during an epidemic

GDP, Firma i Prawo, C1-C4 6/2020 (Polish language)

"The impact of COVID-19 on the functioning of bodies of companies" in Report: Coronavirus and the Law

Must Read Media, str. 179-187; 4/2020 (Polish language)

Craftsman as entrepreneurs

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, 1/2020 (Polish language)

Small investors struggle with Cerrad 1/2020 (Polish language)